Short-wave radiofrequency electro-epilation device

by Restetica Ingrosso Prodotti

Epilation with electrolysis also known as electrocoagulation is a definitive hair removal technique that uses electric currents concentrated on the tip of the needle which act directly on the terminal and germinative part of the hair.

Elettrocoagulazione ad ago Elettrocoagulazione ad ago

What is it for

Needle electroepilation is a definitive hair removal treatment for small surfaces of the body and for all those delicate and difficult areas to treat with waxing hair removal techniques or diode laser treatments.
Needle hair removal is extremely useful and above all effective on fine hair as well as on stubborn hair (where laser machines fail).

In-depth analysis

Our EPIL SOFT needle hair removal machine is a generator of specific high frequency thermolytic currents concentrated in intense and very short duration discharge flows (thousandths of a second).
The particular intensity of the current, concentrated on the tip of the needle, acts rapidly on the terminal and germinative part of the hair, developing an energetic thermal depilatory action.
The very short emission time, often below the individual perception threshold, eliminates the annoying sensation caused by the passage of current.

The operator, depending on the treatment needs, can customize the flow of current to be delivered by precisely programming the intensity, discharge time and number of pulses.
All our electrocoagulation devices represent the evolution of thermal hair removal and guarantee the achievement of excellent results with maximum safety and speed of application.


A bit of history

The American engineer Arthur Ralph Hinkel has developed a new method called Blend (combination between hydrolysis and thermolysis) which overcomes the limits and contraindications that the old thermolysis methods presented separately.

Hydrolysis allows the destruction of the hair follicle through the application of a direct current to the root of the hair. The action of hydrolysis is very effective but slow.

Thermolysis is therefore quicker and more effective, which consists of introducing a radiofrequency current into the needle which causes an increase in temperature and therefore the evaporation of the liquids.
and the consequential destruction of the bulb. The action of thermolysis is limited to the contact point of the needle and therefore requires great experience in calculating the depth, the location of the hair root and in regulating the power.

The Blend method instead consists in the simultaneous use of both appropriately dosed techniques. Radiofrequency has the purpose of heating the hair bulb and is dosed at low intensity and is associated with hydrolysis and able to act effectively in a relatively short time (5-8 seconds).


Techniques and methods

The FLASH system allows the transfer of significant quantities of energy with times shorter than the human bioelectric response, giving the possibility of operating painlessly and with a repetitive system controlled by the operator's foot, so as to be able to dose the number of pulses delivered in relation to the hair you are working on.
In particular, our Epil SOFT needle offers the possibility of using five types of Flash system: Flash-Pulses, Breast Flash, Face Flash, Body Flash and Groin Flash. Each type of program is therefore designed for the different hair removal areas for a more effective and precise hair removal treatment.

The BLEND method allows you to operate with the combination of thermolysis and hydrolysis or to remove hair with the traditional thermolysis system alone.

Radiofrequency has the purpose of heating the hair bulb and is dosed at low intensity and is associated with hydrolysis and able to act effectively in a relatively short time (5-8 seconds).

CLAMP hair removal is a system still practiced on a large scale today, even if its results are not like those of needle hair removal.
It is absolutely painless, non-invasive, and thanks to the new operating frequency (resonance), it allows you to obtain very good results.

The PROBE system operates with the same principle as the forceps, but with a probe that transmits the RF to a gel placed on the part to be treated after having done the traditional wax hair removal and then having applied a special product to counteract hair regrowth.

Retard is a system for large surfaces to activate special electroactive products designed to counteract hair regrowth.
The Retard system is a new method that produces a progressive atrophy of the hair bulb through the delivery of radiofrequency induced with a special handpiece and specific products immediately after having performed wax hair removal on the client.

Operational advice for needle hair removal.

To avoid excessive fatigue, keep your arms very close to the client's body and in a relaxed position, with your right hand grip the needle holder, while with your left hand you grip the tweezers: with the other fingers stretch the fabric in the right direction so to facilitate the penetration of the needle into the follicle. The needle, if inserted correctly, must slide along the sheath of the follicle and reach the bulb without piercing the tissues.


Power adjustment and action times

tabella potenza tempi Elettrocoagulazione

The table above indicates the starting action times and the powers to be adjusted, depending on the operating mode chosen. The resistance of the skin presents variations in the various areas treated and is also subjective, therefore the data can vary and must be found experimentally, always starting with slightly lower powers, up to the value that may be optimal for each subject.




Grazie Restetica, ho capito la differenza tra FLASH PULSE e BLEND.
Utilizzo l'epilatore ad ago da 20 anni, clienti più che soddisfatte.
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